Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Censorship of Books and Internet - Is This the Solution?

Do you express concern when someone tries to tell you what books you and your children can and can't read? Are you concerned about what's out there on the Internet that your children might discover. So should the Internet have more government control?

Books and Internet provide information for children and adults. Should the government control what we read and see? Or is that the responsibility of the parents?

Aaron Brazell provided an interesting post at Technosailor, UK Plans to Keep Kids Safe on the Web, Ignores History, about this topic, sparked by a proposal by the British Cultural Secretary. The Secretary has more control of the Internet in mind and expresses the desire that the US, when Barack Obama becomes President, will join him.

At Technosailor, you'll find some "food for thought," so that you don't accept this idea blindly.
I've also posted at One Book Two Book, Government Control of Books and Internet - Do You Agree? and at Obama Alert, More Control of Our Children and Our Lives?

What do you think?

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