Friday, April 13, 2007

Capturing Young Readers in the Electronics Age

Teachers I talk with, as I do substitute teaching and conduct writing workshops in schools, find it challenging to keep many youngsters interested in reading. They mention that it seems fewer of them like to read…or they don’t read so much at home.

“We have to compete with TV, video games, and movies to hold their attention,” one teacher remarked to me. “I feel I have to be an entertainer.”

When assigned something to read at school, many students groan, while a few (like my granddaughter) consider this an enjoyable respite from other school work.

Parents may find the same situation at home and need to make an effort to get their children away from electronic and television games. Here are some suggestions that might help to encourage reading,

*Let children see you reading
*Read to young children
*Set aside a family reading time

*Have children read to one another
*Encourage children to act out stories
*Participate in reading programs at the local library

*See if your school has extra reading the Saturday mornings (in March) Reading Enrichment for grades K-8. Our grandkids have thoroughly enjoyed this.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Idea for Sarah Jane's Daring Deed

Readers often ask, "Where did you get the idea for the story?" This is such a frequent question when I'm giving author visits, doing presentations, teaching workshops, and attending book signings, that I thought blog readers would like to know about the "story behind the story" and have some idea how one children's authors thinks.

Sarah Jane's Daring Deed, which has becme one of my favorites, resulted from research I was doing for a column on local history for a weekly newspaper. As I read about the lives of the early pioneers sho settled the region of New Hampshire where my family and I reside, I wondered, "What was it like for youngsters to live here during that time?"

As I pondered upon this, the story of Sarah Jane evolved. She and her family settled in the latter 1700s or thereabouts far from their city home. Because I live in New Hampshire and my research was focused here, the story, in my mind, took place here.

The story was published in four church school magazines for youngsters. (I retained the rights.) Possibly it appealed to editors all over the country because I didn't name the town or state where Sarah Jane lived and encountered Little Fawn. Therefore, it could have been set in many areas where blackberries grew. (In the opening scene, Sarah Jane is picking them.)

When I was asked to compile an anthology of my children's stories, Tales of Adventure & Discovery, I chose this one as the lead story. It's a story I've always enjoyed and children do when I visit schools and libraries. My daughter even made dolls of Sarah Jane and Little Fawn to accompany me to school.


(If you have questions about Sarah Jane and my programs for schools and writers' groups, e-mail me: Type "Sarah Jane's blog" in the subject line. )