Saturday, May 5, 2007

Is Harry Potter for Everyone?

When the first Harry Potter book came out, my daughter, son-in-law, and 5th grade granddaughter devoured it. I thought, since it was so popular, I should read it, too.
However, I couldn’t get beyond the first couple of pages. I found it boring!

Also, it didn’t seem to fall within the guidelines that we authors are told in writing classes…”Catch the editor and reader’s attention in the first sentence, first paragraph, especially the first page.” The older style of writing, with a couple of pages of description and no lively action, is no longer the type that appeals to editors. If you haven’t caught their attention by the first paragraph or so, your story may not have a chance of making it.

However, this doesn’t seem to be the case with the first Harry Potter book. Whatever captured the first editor’s attention, seems to have been enough…and the rest is history.

(But I still couldn’t become engrossed in the book…perhaps because I’m not a fan of science fiction and fantasy.)

Since my granddaughter loves the books and other fantasy ones, I'll get some input from her.